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Version: v2.3

Deploy custom ThreatMapper Sensor Agents

You should first build the management console and agents and push the images to a suitable repository. You can then adapt the standard installation instructions (Docker, Kubernetes) to refer to your custom images rather than the Deepfence-provided ones.

Installing and Running the Sensor Agents on a Docker Host


Refer to the Docker Installation Instructions along with the modifications below.

Execute the following command to install and start the sensors:

ACC=myorg             # the name of the dockerhub account 
docker login -u $ACC # log in to the account

docker run -dit \
--cpus=".2" \
--name=deepfence-agent \
--restart on-failure \
--pid=host \
--net=host \
--log-driver json-file \
--log-opt max-size=50m \
--privileged=true \
-v /sys/kernel/debug:/sys/kernel/debug:rw \
-v /var/log/fenced \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /:/fenced/mnt/host/:ro \
-e DF_LOG_LEVEL="info" \

Installing and Running the Sensor Agents in a Kubernetes Cluster


Refer to the Kubernetes Installation Instructions along with the modifications below.

You can use these instructions for helm-based installations in standalone and hosted Kubernetes clusters

helm repo add deepfence
helm repo update

helm show values deepfence/deepfence-agent --version 2.3.1 > deepfence_agent_values.yaml

# You will need to update the following values:
# image:name and image:clusterAgentImageName - change the account to point to your images
# managementConsoleUrl and deepfenceKey - specify your IP and API key value
vim deepfence_agent_values.yaml

helm install -f deepfence_agent_values.yaml deepfence-agent deepfence/deepfence-agent \
--namespace deepfence \
--create-namespace \
--version 2.3.1

Allow a few seconds for the containers to pull and deploy in your Kubernetes environment.

Full instructions can be found in the Agent helm chart documentation.