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Version: v2.1


In Kubernetes, the ThreatMapper sensors are deployed as a daemonset in the Kubernetes cluster, using a helm chart.

Quick Installation of ThreatMapper Sensors

Install and start the latest release of the deepfence sensor. Replace x.x.x.x with the IP address of the Management Console and 73f6f3d0-9931-4b31-8967-fd6adf475f80 with the API key.

Identify container runtime

If container runtime is unknown, please follow these instructions.


clusterName is the name / identifier of the cluster. It should be different for different kubernetes clusters. Example: prod-cluster-1, test-cluster.


Image tag deepfenceio/deepfence_agent_ce:2.1.1-multiarch is supported in amd64 and arm64/v8 architectures.

Deploy deepfence-agent helm chart

helm repo add deepfence
helm repo update

# helm show readme deepfence/deepfence-agent --version 2.1.1 | less
# helm show values deepfence/deepfence-agent --version 2.1.1 | less

helm install deepfence-agent deepfence/deepfence-agent \
--set managementConsoleUrl=x.x.x.x \
--set deepfenceKey=73f6f3d0-9931-4b31-8967-fd6adf475f80 \
--set global.imageTag=2.1.1 \
--set clusterName="prod-cluster" \
--set mountContainerRuntimeSocket.containerdSock=true \
--set mountContainerRuntimeSocket.dockerSock=false \
--set mountContainerRuntimeSocket.crioSock=false \
--set mountContainerRuntimeSocket.podmanSock=false \
--set mountContainerRuntimeSocket.containerdSockPath="/run/containerd/containerd.sock" \
--set logLevel="info" \
--namespace deepfence \
--create-namespace \
--version 2.1.1

Fine-tune the Helm deployment

helm repo add deepfence
helm repo update

helm show values deepfence/deepfence-agent --version 2.1.1 > deepfence_agent_values.yaml

# You will need to update the following values:
# managementConsoleUrl and deepfenceKey - specify your URL/IP and API key value
# You may wish to update other values, including:
# image:name and image:clusterAgentImageName - change to point to custom images
# containerdSock - set to false if agent fails to start on some Kubernetes platforms e.g. Minikube
vim deepfence_agent_values.yaml

helm install -f deepfence_agent_values.yaml deepfence-agent deepfence/deepfence-agent \
--namespace deepfence \
--create-namespace \
--version 2.1.1

Delete the ThreatMapper Sensor

helm delete deepfence-agent -n deepfence

Identify container runtime

  • To get container runtime in the k8s cluster, run the following command
kubectl get nodes,Runtime:.status.nodeInfo.containerRuntimeVersion
  • To get container runtime socket path in the k8s cluster, run the following commands and search for --container-runtime-endpoint or containerd
kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=30s job/deepfence-cluster-config
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod -l job-name=deepfence-cluster-config -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl delete -f