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Version: v2.4

Diagnostics logs

Deepfence Management console provides a way to download the logs for the console or from the specific agent on host or kubernetes cluster or cloud scanner. For steps to download agent logs from console UI refer Support and Diagnostics

Agent Log Locations

  • General Log Locations

    • /var/log/supervisor - bootstrapper logs, this is the daemon which manages all the plugins used in the agent
    • /var/log/deepfenced - logs of plugins managed by bootstrapper like package-scanner, secret-scanner, etc.,
    • /var/log/fenced - all the data collected by the plugins are written here before its pushed to deepfence console
  • Linux Binary Agent

    • In case of linux binary agent prefix /opt/deepfence to General Log Locations
  • AWS Fargate Agent

    • In case of AWS Fargate agent prefix DF_INSTALL_DIR to General Log Locations
  • Cloud Scanner

    • prefix /home/deepfence if deployed as ECS task or AWS Fargate or GCP Cloud Run container to General Log Locations
    • prefix /data/home/deepfence if deployed as docker container or kubernetes pod to General Log Locations

Vulnerability scan failures

  • Check agent package_scanner.log file for errors this file can be located in the directory /var/log/deepfenced
  • If there are no errors on agent and sbom generation was successful, then check the deepfence-worker logs for issue in sbom scan on console