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The S3 plugins allows to stream packets to the given S3 buckets.


AWS credentials

Before running PacketStreamer, AWS credentials need to be configured by one of the following ways:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables
  • ~/.aws/config file - it can be created by aws configure

The first way might be more convenient when running as root (required when running a sensor).

Configuration scheme

S3 plugin configuration has the following syntax:

plugins: # optional
bucket: _string_
region: _string_
totalFileSize: _file_size_ # optional; default: 10 MB
uploadChunkSize: _file_size_ # optional; default: 5 MB
uploadTimeout: _timeout_ # optional; default: 1m
cannedACL: _acl_ # optional; default: Bucket owner enforced

Sensor configuration

If you want to stream locally captured packets from sensor to S3, you can use the following example configuration from contrib/config/sensor-s3.yaml:

{{#rustdoc_include ../../../contrib/config/sensor-s3.yaml}}

And run PacketStreamer with it:

sudo packetstreamer sensor --config ./contrib/config/sensor-s3.yaml

Receiver configuration

If you want to stream packets from receiver to S3, you can use the following example configuration from [contrib/config/receiver-s3.yaml]

{{#rustdoc_include ../../../contrib/config/receiver-s3.yaml}}
packetstreamer receiver --config ./contrib/config/receiver-s3.yaml