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Using over GRPC

You can run a persistent SecretScanner service and issue requests for scans using GRPC. You first need to build SecretScanner from source, to generate the necessary proto files.


Help needed!

These instructions are out-of-date and need refreshed


You will need the grcpurl tool.

Run the SecretScanner gRPC server

Start the SecretScanner gRPC server:

docker run -it --rm --name=deepfence-secretscanner \
-v $(pwd):/home/deepfence/output \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /tmp/sock:/tmp/sock \
deepfenceio/deepfence_secret_scanner:2.0.0 \
-socket-path /tmp/sock/s.sock

Scan a Container Image

# run this from the repo directory, or update the import-path

grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./agent-plugins-grpc/proto -proto secret_scanner.proto \
-d '{"image": {"name": "node:latest"}}' \
-unix '/tmp/sock.sock' \

Scan a Local Directory

# run this from the repo directory, or update the import-path

grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./agent-plugins-grpc/proto -proto secret_scanner.proto \
-d '{"path": "/tmp"}' \
-unix '/tmp/sock.sock' \