Deepfence Community
Open Source is at the core of what we do, trusted by 1,000's of community users.
100% Open Source
Deepfence open source projects are completely open source. No phone-home, no limits, no hidden features.
Multi Cloud, Multi Modality
Deepfence ThreatMapper finds threats hidden in thousands of production platforms - Cloud, Serverless, Containers.
Be Part of the Wave
Across multiple repos, Deepfence projects are amongst the fastest adopted security solutions for cloud-native apps.
Hunt for threats in production platforms, and rank them based on their risk-of-exploit.
Find unprotected secrets, tokens and authentication keys in containers and file systems.
Use YARA rules to scan builds, containers and filesystems to find indicators of malware.
A lightweight packet collector, supporting distributed hosts, clouds and kubernetes.
Employ machine learning techniques to classify network flows based on packet headers.
Aya is an eBPF library built with a focus on operability and developer experience. It does not rely on libbpf nor bcc - it's built from the ground up purely in Rust, using only the libc crate to execute syscalls.
Deepfence Enterprise Products
Observe, correlate, learn, and act to protect your cloud-native applications, across clouds and on-prem locations. Built on ThreatMapper, ThreatStryker adds runtime telemetry, attack storyboarding, and targetted protection.
A self-service portal where you can deploy dedicated, fully-managed ThreatStryker instances. Empower your teams to secure and protect their cloud-native applications, at scale and across clouds and on-prem locations.